MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 4th February 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Isobel & Stan Lyle RIP Sunday 5th February – 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9:30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Jim, Elizabeth, Martin, Una & Michael (Anniversaries) Monday 6th February 7:00pm – Mass – Sheila Body RIPRead More →

Matthew 5 13 -16 Jesus said: You are like salt for everyone on earth. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, how can it make food salty? All it is good for is to be thrown out and walked on. You are like a light for the whole world.Read More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 28th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Kathleen Harrison RIP Sunday 29th January – 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Joe and Joyce Davies Monday 30th January 9:30am Mass – Sheila Body RIP Anniversary Tuesday 31st January 9:30am MassRead More →

Matthew 5 1-12 When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said: “You’re blessed when you’re at theRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 21st January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Family of Nancy Macey Sunday 22nd January – 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – The Grue Family Monday 23rd January 10:00am – Requiem Mass – George Mannix 7:30pm – Scripture Group Tuesday 24th JanuaryRead More →

Matthew  4  12-23 When Jesus got word that John had been arrested, he returned to Galilee. He moved from his hometown, Nazareth, to the lakeside village Capernaum, nestled at the base of the Zebulun and Naphtali hills. This move completed Isaiah’s sermon: Land of Zebulun, land of Naphtali, road to the sea,Read More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 14th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Hilda & Albert Clarkson RIP Sunday 15th January – 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Hilda Johnstone RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 16th January 9;30am – Service of Word and Communion Tuesday 17th January 9;30am – ServiceRead More →

John 1 29-34 The very next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and yelled out, “Here he is, God’s Passover Lamb! He forgives the sins of the world! This is the man I’ve been talking about, ‘the One who comes after me but is really ahead of me.’ IRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 7th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle Sunday 8th January – THE EPIPHANY (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Bridget Walsh (Birthday Anniversary) Monday 9th January 9;30qm – Mass – Vincent Cannon RIP 7:30pm – Scripture Group starts Tuesday 10th January 10:00amRead More →

Matthew 2 1 – 12 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem village, Judah territory— this was during Herod’s kingship—a band of scholars arrived in Jerusalem from the East. They asked around, “Where can we find and pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews? We observed a star inRead More →