This week’s Gospel gives us a moment to pause and ask ourselves if we have become like the Pharisees – do we throw people away? Do we allow ourselves to buy into the hardness of heart that allows us to justify it? Do we find ourselves choosing the value of one life over another, one person over another, one group of people over another?

Nobody is a “throw away person.” There are sinful people, yes, and we are included in that bunch. There are difficult people, yes, and sometimes we are included in that bunch. There are people that are loved by God, and we are all included in that bunch.

Every person you meet today – friend or foe, rich or poor, sinner or saint – is made in the image and likeness of God. From the beginning, God intended us to see each other that way. Sin happened, and our vision can become distorted. This week, re-read the Gospel and invite Christ to give you eyes to see the world as He sees it, and more importantly, to see our brothers and sisters as Christ sees them.