Saturday 18th January
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Tracy Simpson RIP

Sunday 19th January : Peace Day – 2nd SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A)
9:30am – Liam O’Hare RIP
11:00am  – People of the Parish

Monday 20th January
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion

Tuesday 21st January
No Service
10:30am – Coffee morning

Wednesday 22nd January
No service

Thursday 23rd January
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion

Friday 24th January
Noon – Funeral Service – John Bersantie RIP

Saturday 25th January
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Kath Harrison RIP

Sunday 26th January
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Hilda & Albert Clarkson RIP

Monday 27th January
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133.  Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Coffee morning

Tuesday 21st January at 10:30am
If you would like to come to our coffee mornings for a chat, laugh, cuppa or even a bargain in our bring and buy sale or for a game of bingo you will be made very welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Annual Diocesan Mass to Celebrate Marriage

Will be celebrated by Bishop Mark at 12 noon in St Joseph’s Church, North Road, Birkenhead, CH42 7JY on Saturday, 8th February, 2020.

All married couples and their families are welcome.

There will be refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall. If you are celebrating a significant anniversary (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th) and wish to attend the Mass, please let your Parish Priest know (by the 26th January) and you will receive a special letter of invitation. If you are not celebrating a significant anniversary, but still wish to attend the Mass and enjoy the refreshments, please let the Bishop’s PA know – 01743 290052, so that you can be added to the numbers for catering purposes.

New porch light

A new porch light and sensor has been installed at a cost of £200. The money came from the money raised from the coffee mornings. Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee mornings and to those who organised the coffee mornings.

Parish Register

If you are new to the parish – or if you haven’t filled in one before – or if you have but your circumstances have changed – can you please pick up a Parish Register form from the shelves in the outer porch.
Please complete it and bring it back and drop it into the Box so that we have your up to date details.
Rest assured that this information will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Readers & Eucharistic Ministers

The new Rota List is now available in the porch. Please check the schedule as there have been some changes made.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Bernadette Eastwood

Newsletter Download: 430 19th January 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time