Saturday  16th February
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm -Peter and Briga Reid in Thanksgiving

Sunday 17th February – 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME  (CYCLE C)
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Maureen Ann Lister

Monday 18th February
9:30am – Christine Davey RIP

Tuesday 19th February
9:30am – Valente Soares, Anacleto Magno, Florentina Magno, Maria Santiago, Felix De Andrade, Josefa Da Resoracao, Feliciana Da Costa, Candido De Araujo  and Edi Freitas
10:30am – Coffee morning

Wednesday 20th February
Noon – Bernhard Bradbury RIP
7:15pm – Music Ministry Rehearsal

Thursday 21st February
9:30am – Charles Jones

Friday 22nd February
No service

Saturday  23rd February 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – People of the Parish

Sunday 24th February
9:30am – Laffey Family Special Intentions
11:00am – Joyce Davies RIP

Monday 25th February
9:30am – Dr Gabriel Murphy

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133  Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Coffee Morning

Tuesday 19th February at 10:30am
There will be tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits, Bingo and a Bring and Buy Sale. Everyone is welcome.

Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 20th February at 7:30pm
If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns please tell Fr Simon or Phil Martin.

Bingo Night

Friday 5th April, 7pm. Bingo starts at 7:30pm
We are collecting prizes for our next bingo night. If you would like to donate prizes for the bingo night we would be really pleased to have them. You can leave the gifts in the Sacristy marked ‘Bingo’ or give them to Pat McQuillan or Ann Hayes. The proceeds of our next bingo night is to help with the expenses of the young ones from St Nicholas High School who are going to help the sick in Lourdes. Thank you.

Prisoner Outreach

Please continue to bring in your loose change and leave the money in the bottle on the bookshelves in the porch and help to support this organisation.

Appeal for Wool

If anyone has any spare wool that they would like to donate please bring it in for Christine Hanson. Thank you.

Votive Candles

Our insurance Company have advised us that recently there has been a fire in a church in Scotland. The candles were left burning when the church was closed and locked after Mass ended. The fire damage was not insignificant – the cost of repairs to smoke damage is in excess of £100,000 –  and so we are asked that as a matter of sensible fire safety all lit Votive candles are extinguished before the building is closed and left unoccupied. Rest assured they will be re-lit later.

Your Help Please !!!

There have been several incidents recently where a problem has occurred – but we were not informed. Two examples were – all the electrical power was lost due to a fuse tripping, a roof leak occurred flooding the church carpet. If you are aware of any such incidents can you please ensure that you notify Fr Simon or Rebecca Finnegan ASAP. Thank you for your co-operation.

Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy

Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy, established 18 years ago and operating under the auspices of Churches Together in Cheshire (Registered Charity No: 1115015), seeks to appoint:

Assistant Chaplain/Case Worker This position requiring 13-18 hours a week, subject to negotiation, is to support the work of the Lead Agricultural Chaplain in providing pastoral care for the agricultural community in Cheshire and surrounding areas. It is hoped for an early appointment.  Payment will be at the rate of £12.50 per hour. The post is for an initial period of two years, with the possibility of further extension, subject to continuing funding.

Completed applications are required for 5th March. It is hoped to interview on 15th March. For full details of this post and an application form, either printed or electronic, please contact Andrew Taylor on 01270 780529 or by e-mail at:


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Pat Mundy


If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.

Newsletter Download: 382 17th February 2019 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time