Saturday 2nd May
No Service
Sunday 3rd May – 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER (CYCLE A)
10:30am – Mass – Replay of todays sermon: Sermon 03-05
Monday 4th May
No Service
Tuesday 5th May
No Service
Wednesday 6th May
No Service
Thursday 7th May
No Service
Friday 8th May
No Service
Saturday 9th May
No Service
Sunday 10th May
10:30am – Mass – Sermon 10-05 and Sermon Epilogue 10-05
Monday 4th May
No Service
If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.
As you will no doubt know, because of the Coronavirus, for the next few weeks – or possibly Months – until the current restrictions on movement end – there are no Masses in the Church at weekends. This means that the Parish will not be receiving any Offertory Donations apart from those who give by Standing Order. With no Envelope or Loose Plate Income coming in, but many of the usual Running Expenses to pay, this will present a big problem for the Parish.
If you wish you can make donations via the OnLine giving scheme at The page can also be used to set up a regular monthly donation, and you can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further. If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order. All donations that you make will be acknowledged by an email from InvestMyCommunity.
Alternatively, if you usually make your Offertory donations by Weekly Envelopes, perhaps you might wish to put your money aside and keep it at home until things resume to normal. Or, if you prefer, you could pop it into an envelope and put it through my letterbox – if you do, please write your name on the envelope.
But can I stress that I do of course appreciate that the current situation will present many of you with financial difficulties – so please do not feel pressured in any way whatsoever to maintain your giving. I fully appreciate that your – and your family’s – interests are your first priority.
I will be celebrating Mass daily in private and I will be keeping you all in my prayers in these difficult days. Mass can also be watched on the St Joseph’s Winsford Parish Centre Facebook page on Sunday mornings at 10:30am
Regards and best wishes – and keep safe and well!
Fr Simon
Parish Priest
Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Beryl Harwood
Sacred Space from Mairie @ St Nicholas
Dear All,
I hope that you are all well as we enter into May. We remember all our students who would have been sitting exams and having their celebrations as they prepare for the next stage in their academic lives. I’m sure we all continue to think of them and hold them in prayer. As I have one of my own – I am also thinking of the Year 6’s who should have been visiting the school soon.
Here is the Weekly prayer pdf for this week. There is also a workbook on the Gospel attached for the family and perhaps younger children.
There is also a May ‘Acts of Kindness’ Challenge, an information sheet on worries around what is happening at the moment and rather a large booklet on beating the boredom in case the rain keeps up.
I hope some of these resources are useful to you.
God Bless
Boredom little light bulb
Ancora poster coronavirus
TatH – 03.05.2020 – Good Shepherd
Sacred Space 4th Easter Week
And my blog – usually on the Sunday gospel –
Mrs Mairie Gelling, Chaplain, St Nicholas Catholic High School