On that day, Anna the prophetess also was in the temple. When Anna saw Mary, Joseph and Jesus she also came to them and
prophesied that this tiny baby would bring about the redemption of Jersualem. I wonder how the people in the Temple reacted to
this prophecy? Did they believe what Anna and Simeon were saying? Or were they skeptical and non-believing?
Imagine yourself in this scene! How would you react to these happenings? Would you be a believer or would you be a skeptic? At
various time in our history, we all have heard “prophecies” of happenings that would occur in the near future. And most often,
we wait and wait. And typically, they do not occur. However, the time will come when the prophecy will be fulfilled!
How would life be different for us, if we lived each day as if it is our last day? How would you spend your day? Who would you spend
your time with if today was the last day? Would you go to church? Or spend some time with God in another way?
Today could be our last day! May we live this day fully and with thanksgiving and awareness!