I wonder if expectancy was also growing in Jesus? If his faith, that had taught him love, trust and integrity, had also told him that there was something else, a place waiting to be filled. And then he set out to find the One who would change his life.
The Holy Spirit could have come on him in Nazareth, while he was in the workshop, John the Baptist could have come and found him. But God seems to appreciate people making the effort – even His Son; the journeys of Abraham and Moses, journeys that enrich the spirit through experience, trials, failure and fulfilment. It is not the Baptism that fulfils this part of the mission but the prayer. Jesus realising that that this is only the beginning; the opening of a door to something more.
As human beings we grow through both achievements and failures of a journey, becoming more and more aware of ourselves; and realising our need of God. God holding us and God within us.
The Holy Spirit will find a way into a willing heart–whether it is the drip, drip, drip of a prayerful life, or a dam-busting conversion. The Spirit will come upon us – and in our own way – we become like Jesus – extraordinary- filled with Grace, a part of the One who is loves us. Next week we enter Ordinary Time again; may I suggest that we don’t. We know that the One has come. Let’s live as if we believe it; that the Kingdom is here; that we live in an Extraordinary Time.