Mark 13: 33-37

Jesus said to his disciples. “Keep a sharp lookout, for you don’t know the timetable. It’s like a man who takes a trip, leaving home and putting his servants in charge, each assigned a task, and commanding the gatekeeper to stand watch. So, stay at your post, watching.

You have no idea when the homeowner is returning, whether evening, midnight, cockcrow, or morning. You don’t want him showing up unannounced, with you asleep on the job.

I say it to you, and I’m saying it to all: Stay at your post. Keep watch.”

Gospel Reflection

Today we begin the Season of Advent. Advent is more than a time of waiting for Christmas. It is a time for us to long, to yearn and to prepare ourselves for the coming of our God. Advent is my favorite liturgical season. The Advent readings are filled with hope, anticipation and the promise of Jesus’ coming! The temptation for us may be to think we only need to look for the coming of God during the Advent season. We need to have open eyes and hearts and look for the coming of God each and every day!

Most likely God’s coming will not be spectacular. God is more likely to come in quiet, unobtrusive and peaceful ways. However, this means we need to consciously look for God each day. We need to be aware of the small things in life. God may be where we least suspect! We need to be awake so we will not be “sleeping” when God comes to us!

Today may we open our minds, hearts and eyes and consciously “look” for God! Be awake and alert! And perhaps, be surprised! God will come!