MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 22nd April 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Kathleen Harrison RIP Sunday 23rd April – 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Joe & Joyce Davies Monday 24th April 9:30am – Service of Word and Communion 7:30pm – SCRIPTURE GROUP Tuesday 25th AprilRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 15th April – HOLY SATURDAY – THE EASTER VIGIL 8:00pm – Noel Stewart RIP Sunday 16th April – EASTER SUNDAY 9.30am – People of the Parish 11.00am – David Goodall RIP Monday 17th April 9:30am Service of Word and Communion Tuesday 18th April 10:0am – Mass – Special Intention GloriaRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 8th April 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Isobel & Stan Lyle RIP Sunday 9th April – PASSION SUNDAY (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Dr Michael Hollinrake 10th Anniversary Monday 10th April 9:30am – Mass – Sabina McCormack RIP Tuesday 11th April 9:30qam – MassRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 1st April 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle RIP Sunday 2nd April – 5th SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Norah and Michael McNeill RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 3rd April 9:30am Mass – Mary Kennerley RIP Anniversary Tuesday 4th AprilRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 25th March 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Frank Rose RIP Birthday & Wedding Anniv. Sunday 26th March – 4th SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Frank Chedotal RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 27th March 9:30am – Service of Word and Communion 7:30pm – Scripture Group TuesdayRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 18th March 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Hilda & Albert Clarkson RIP Sunday 19th March – 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Jack Hunt RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Noon – St Joseph’s Day – Shared Table Monday 20th March 9:30am – Mass – Bill FayRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 11th March 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle RIP Sunday 12th March – 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Alan Isherwood RIP Monday 13th March 9:30am – Mass – Anne & Peter Clarke 7:30pm – Film Night Tuesday 14thRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 4th March 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Kathleen Harrison RIP Sunday 5th March – 1st SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Private Intention Monday 6th March 9:30am Service of Word and Communion Tuesday 7th March 9:30am – Service of Word and CommunionRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 25th February 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – John Payne & Leslie Dickson RIP Sunday 26th February – 8th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Fr Stephen Dwyer 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 27th February 7:00pm – Mass – Joyce Davies Get well soon 7:30pm – ScriptureRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 18th February 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Hilda & Albert Clarkson RIP Sunday 19th February – 7th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Joe Davies – Get well soon Monday 20th February 9:30am – Mass – Alan Isherwood RIP TuesdayRead More →