Today’s Gospel begins with Jesus getting into a boat and teaching the crowds from offshore. After he finished teaching, Jesus tells Simon to put out into deep water and to lower their nets. However, that was the last thing Peter wanted to hear. They had been fishing all day long and had caught nothing! Peter was tired and frustrated. He was ready to go home and rest. However, after a time Peter reluctantly says: “at your request I will lower the nets.” To Peter’s great surprise they caught so many fish their nets began to tear!
I would guess that most of us can identify with Peter! We too have times in our lives when it seems like we are not succeeding. We may be making great efforts to live life well. We may be working diligently and doing our best. However, these efforts don’t seem to bear much fruit. At these times, it is natural to get disheartened and frustrated! However, will we be open and respond to Jesus’ invitation to “keep lowering our nets?” Or will we say “enough is enough.” Or will we listen to his call, heed his voice and trust him? May we pray for the grace to have an open mind and a willing heart!