Saturday 26th March
5:15pm – Mass

10:00am – Mass

Monday 28th March
10:00am – Mass

Tuesday 29th March
10:00am – Mass

Wednesday 30th March
10:00am – Mass

Thursday 31st March
10:00am – Mass

Friday 1st April
No Mass

Saturday 2nd April
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 3rd April
10:00am – Mass

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.


The Diocese is seeking to participate in the “Working through Caritas Diocese of Shrewsbury” and we will register interest in the Scheme as an organisation. Registrations are currently open for individuals with their own homes, or organisations such as charities which hold properties or have the ability to support those coming to the UK.

Caritas will be updating their news page about the Ukraine Crisis with information about the scheme and further support for Ukraine including giving, campaigning and prayer:
Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), which Caritas Shrewsbury is a member of, are expecting to be able to circulate a detailed briefing for parishes within the next week.

On a national level the Catholic Church is working with the Government in developing the role of organisations in the Scheme, given its experience with the Community Sponsorship Scheme. I will provide further updates on how we will be able to take part once this information becomes available. In the meantime if your parish is interested in supporting the Scheme, please email Mrs Theresa Stones with the details of what this support would be and we will seek with Caritas, to co-ordinate our response with all the practical considerations involved.

Other useful links: RESET: and the new site for refugees to connect with sponsors:

Primary School Governors

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School are looking for two Foundation Governors to help support the strategic leadership of the school.  A parent governor is also required and nomination forms have been emailed to all parents.  If you would be interested or would like further information please speak to Father Simon or phone the school on 01606 668790 and speak to Martine Gum, Headteacher.

Newsletter Download: 544 27th March 2022 4th Sunday of Lent