Saturday 25th March
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Frank Rose RIP Birthday & Wedding Anniv.

Sunday 26th March – 4th SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A)
9;30am – Frank Chedotal RIP
11:00am – People of the Parish

Monday 27th March
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
7:30pm – Scripture Group

Tuesday 28th March
9:30am Mass – Charlie Jones RIP

Wednesday 29th March
10:30am – Coffee Morning
Noon – Mass – George Mannix RIP

Thursday 30th March
9:30am Mass – The Agar and Clarke families RIP

Friday 31st March
No Service

Saturday 1st April
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle RIP

Sunday 2nd April
9;30am – Norah and Michael McNeill RIP
11:00am – People of the Parish

Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 29th March – DAY OUT TO PANTASAPH

Please pick up a sheet from the Porch if you are interested.

Wednesday 29th March 10:30am – COFFEE MORNING

Please come along and meet parishioners who go to a different Mass to the one you usually attend.
There will also be a Bring and Buy Stall – so bring something along.


If you were here last weekend you will know that we have now decided to donate our Lenten Charity donations to support the Disaster Appeal for those starving in East Africa. So far £465 has been collected.
We were intending to give the money to SPA , but in view of the situation in Africa we felt we should support this Appeal.
We will be making a donation to SPA from Parish funds.

St Joseph’s Day Celebration

A big thank you to all those who helped to organise this event and to everyone who brought in an Easter Egg. The Easter Egg Tombola and Raffle raised £220. Thanks also to everyone who came to the party and made it such a success.


Sadly we have had to cancel this Lindisfarne Retreat as there were insufficient numbers wishing to go.
We are organising a Retreat in November at Foxhills in Frodsham. Please take a form from the porch and return it ASAP


If you have not brought in your completed form can you please bring it in this weekend. You can put it through Fr Simon’s letterbox.


The new Boxes are available today. Please take your new box – but please don’t start using them until the 9th April.
If you are not already making your Offertory donations by Envelope – or by Standing Order – and would like to, please speak to George Snape or Derek. Similarly, if you wish to Gift Aid your donations please ask for a Gift Aid form.


Please see the letter (on the notice board) from Fr Eddie in Arizona – thanking us for our donation.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs V Powell


We are still collecting unwanted spectacles/cases to be sent to the Missions. If you have any that you no longer need please bring them in

Newsletter Download: 283. 26th March 2017 4th Sunday of Lent