Saturday 23rd September
5:15pm – Mass – Kathleen Harrison RIP

Sunday 24th September – 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A)
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)

Monday 25th September
10:00am – Mass

Tuesday 26th September
10:00am – Mass

Wednesday 27th September
10:00am – Mass

Thursday 28th September
10:00am – Mass

Friday 29th September
No Mass
7:30pm – Winsford Sustainability Hub Meeting

Saturday 30th September
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 1st October
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Winsford Sustainability Hub Meeting

Friday 29th September 7:30pm in the Parish Centre
Initial Public Meeting meeting for people interested in a Winsford Sustainability hub – to look at ways to address the climate and nature emergency, local pollution, and community skills/resilience, eg growing our own food, mending clothes and upcycling, cooking plant based food, information events, films, climate cafe etc This initiative has council backing.
Everybody Welcome!

Coffee morning

Tuesday 17th October at 10:30am
Everyone is welcome.

Bingo Night

Friday 17th November
We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event. Please leave any prizes in the Sacristy marked with ‘bingo’ on the prize.


We will all have been appalled by the destruction and loss of life in the recent Earthquake in Morocco and the destructive flooding in Libya.

People have been left without shelter in dreadful conditions, with humanitarian needs expected to grow in the coming days, weeks and months. Access to clean water will likely be a challenge, bringing the risk of cholera and other diseases. DEC charities and their local partners are among the first responders, working with locally-led relief efforts. Immediate priorities are search and rescue, medical treatment for the injured, shelter for those who have lost their homes, as well as food and blankets, clothes, and particularly clean water.
So, to help we are having a Retiring Collection over the next few weekends. In addition, we will add to your donations from Parish Funds.

If you wish to make a donation, you can put in an envelope marked “Emergency Appeal” and hand it in. Please make any cheques payable “to St. Josephs”. Or you can use Internet Banking to make a payment to :-
Account Name: St Josephs Parish
Sort Code: 67 06 52
Account Number: 54691268

Children’s Instruments for the Music Group

We know that we are very lucky to have so many young people at St Joseph’s Church, and so we would love to be able to get them involved in our music! If you have any spare child-friendly instruments at home (shakers, tambourines, bells etc) we would be very grateful for your donations please. We want to invite any children that would like to join in with our exit hymn to select an instrument and play along 🎵


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Ethna Colgan


Please continue to bring in your unwanted spectacles and cases.

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