Saturday  2nd March
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – People of the Parish

Sunday 3rd March – 8th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME  (CYCLE C)
9:30am – Mary – Special Intentions
11:00am – Abundia Oliveros

Monday 4th March 
9:30am – Margaret Cannon & Marie Noad

Tuesday 5th March 
9:30am – Father Simon’s Intentions

Wednesday 6th March – Ash Wednesday
9:30am – Joyce Davies RIP
7:00pm – Father Simon’s Intentions

Thursday 7th March 
9:30am – Sick of the Parish

Friday 8th March 
No service

Saturday  9th March 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Margaret Murphy

Sunday 10th March
9:30am – Joyce Davies RIP
11:00am – People of the Parish

Monday 11th March 
9:30am – Kitty and Jack Insley & Cathy RIP

Dates for your Diary

Community Mass

Sunday 10th March – St Luke’s RC Church, Frodsham
St Nicholas Catholic High School is joining with the local parishes to celebrate the First Sunday of Lent with a Community Mass at St Luke’s RC Church, 61 High St. Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 7AN. An invitation is offered to any young person of high school age (not necessarily at St Nicholas’) to come and help prepare the Mass and then celebrate as a community with families and parishioners.

Preparation time will begin at 4.00pm with Mass at 5.00pm and refreshments to follow in the parish centre. Young people who are dropped off at 4.00pm will need to have a parent consent form completed which can be done on the day. Young people are also very welcome to simply come to the Mass with their family. St Nicholas students should complete their consent forms in advance by getting in touch with the School Chaplain. We hope that young people from across our parishes will be able to join us with their families.

Family Fun Day

Sunday 17th March after 11am Mass
In the Parish Centre to celebrate the Feast days of St Joseph (19th) and St Patrick. There will be a Shared Table and an Easter Egg Tombola. It will be a shared table so please bring a plate of food to share.

We would like to start collecting Easter Eggs now so if you would like to donate one please leave it in the Box in the Sacristy. Thank You.

Coffee morning

Tuesday 19th March at 10:30am.
There will be tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits, Bingo and a Bring and Buy Sale. Everyone is welcome.

Bingo Night

Friday 5th April, doors open at 7pm
We are collecting prizes for our next bingo night. Bingo starts at 7:30pm. If you would like to donate prizes for the bingo night we would be really pleased to have them.

You can leave the gifts in the Sacristy marked ‘Bingo’ or give them to Pat McQuillan or Ann Hayes. The proceeds of our next bingo night is to help with the expenses of the young ones from St Nicholas High School who are going to help the sick in Lourdes. Thank you.


Family Support Worker: The governors are seeking a suitable candidate to fulfil the above role on a fixed term from 15 March 2019 until 31 March 2020. Details are available on the Notice Board.

Gift Aid

In early April we will be claiming the Tax Refunds for the Tax Year 2018-19 on Offertory Donations from those parishioners who Gift Aid.

If you are no longer paying Income Tax will you please let us know – you can advise us either by writing to us, or by emailing the parish on –  – or by telephoning George Snape on 01606 557201

If you are still paying Income Tax there is no need for you to take any action.

Help Needed

Derek Pearce is trying to get in touch with one of our parishioners – David Haines.

David – could you please ring Derek on 01606 889048 – or if anyone knows David (or his address) could you please contact Derek.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Brenda Flannigan


If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.

Newsletter Download: 384 3rd March 2019 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time