The Magis’ role in the story of the Nativity can be adapted to our own journeys and lives. As human beings who are born into this life with free will and the ability to choose whether or not to follow God’s Word, it is inevitable that we too will encounter temptations. I find that this passage is given to us at a time in which it is important to reflect upon ourselves and our lives. The Feast of the Magi is January 6th, six days after the New Year. During the beginning of the New Year, society calls for us to make New Year’s resolutions. I think this reading calls on us to do something similar.
While what we conclude through this reflection may not be that we need to go to the gym more often, or that we need to online shop less, it is no less important. This passage calls upon us to recognize the temptations present in our lives, to be cognizant of who and what will lead us to stray away from the path which leads to Christ. So, at the end of this Christmas season, I call upon you to take a step back and reflect on what you can do to grow closer to God in this coming year, what you need to do in order to follow His path for you. That way, one day you can feel the pure joy which the Magi felt when they finally encountered Christ in the Nativity.