For the rich young man, his money was a problem. He was good – kept all the commandments but maybe missed out on the main one, to love God and love the neighbour. Jesus’ heart went out to him in love, his misery and his wealth. But wealth blocked him from receiving love…what could have brought great joy to his heart was blocked. Wealth can do this. The way forward is in sharing. If he could get free of his money and attachment to it, he would be happy. Otherwise he went away sad. Jesus did not condemn wealth, but the selfish hoarding of it. We notice that people when they get rich may lose friends. They have to put guard gates on the house. And people are afraid to go out with them because they can’t afford the life style. Wealth and its trappings can stunt love. Same with other things we get attached to – property, health, good looks, all that keeps us from real love. For Jesus – Sharing is the way forward. He did that himself, shared his eternal life of happiness with us to death. Shared the love of his heart. The grateful heart will encourage us to share and to remain human and humble