Bartimaeus shows his faith in Jesus in two ways.

Firstly he calls out to Jesus to heal him in a specific way. Faith is only faith when we are able to express exactly what it is we are trusting God for. It is no good to just ask a general blessing or for healing in general. We need to state exactly what it is that we are looking to God for – whether it is for salvation or healing of the eyes or enough money to repair the car.

Secondly Bartimaeus gets up and follows Jesus. Bartimaeus is not just healed in his physical sight. He starts on the path of following Jesus in his daily life. He is not just saved, he starts the walk of discipleship, allowing Jesus to determine his path.

Until this time, Bartimaeus’ condition determined every part of his life. From now on Jesus determines every part of his life. To be a follower of Jesus, it’s not enough to see the truth. You have to follow the Truth also.