Saturday 19th August
5:15pm – Mass
Sunday 20th August – 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A)
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)
Monday 21st August
10:00am – Mass
Tuesday 22nd August
10:00am – Mass
Wednesday 23rd August
10:00am – Mass
Thursday 24th August
10:00am – Mass
Friday 25th August
No Mass
Saturday 26th August
5:15pm – Mass
Sunday 27th August
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)
If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.
Dates for your Diary
Coffee morning
Tuesday 12th September at 10:30am
Everyone is welcome.
Bingo Night
Friday 17th November
We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event. Please leave any prizes in the Sacristy marked with ‘bingo’ on the prize.
First Sacraments Programme
The next First Sacraments Programme will start in September. All Yr.3 children at St Joseph’s will be given a letter when they return to school to give to their parents.
Any parents of older children who want their child to join the programme can get more information by texting/phoning me on 07527321533.
Christine Hanson (on behalf of the Sacramental team).
We are also looking for any beads, threads or bits and bobs that may be used in the artwork we will undertake with the children. These can be brought to church. Thank you.
Bingo Night
The Parish Bingo Night is on Friday 17th November. We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event. Please leave any prizes in the Sacristy marked with ‘bingo’ on the prize.
Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Victoria Cummings
Prisoner Outreach
Do you – like me – find carrying round small coins a waste of time? The Prisoner Outreach Organisation is a Christian network of volunteers who have been voluntarily working in HM Prisons and supplies copies of the BIBLE ALIVE booklets to prisoners. Drop your loose change into the bottle on the table in the porch and help to support this good cause.