Saturday  22nd December
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Paul O’Connor

Sunday 23rd December – 4th SUNDAY ADVENT (CYCLE C)
9:30am – People of the parish
11:00am – Father Simon’s family

Monday 24th December – Christmas Eve
5:00pm – Children’s Mass
8:00pm – Noel Stewart RIP

Tuesday 25th December – Christmas Day
10:00am – Kathleen Harrison RIP

Wednesday 26th December
No service

Thursday 27th December 
No service

Friday 28th December 
No service

Saturday  29th December
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Tracey Simpson RIP

Sunday 30th December
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Betty O’Grady RIP

Monday 31st December – New Year’s Eve
10:00am – Hugh Duffy RIP Anniversary

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133  Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Coffee morning

Tuesday 22nd January 2019 at 10:30am.
Come along and join in the fun, everyone is welcome. £600 raised from the coffee mornings has gone to pay for essential electrical work in the Parish Centre.
The £600 was not raised from the Bingo Night as last weeks newsletter stated.

Prisoner Outreach

Do you – like me – find carrying round small coins a waste of time? The Prisoner Outreach Organisation is a Christian network of volunteers who have been voluntarily working in HM Prisons and supplies copies of the BIBLE ALIVE booklets to prisoners.

Drop your loose change into the bottle on the bookshelves in the porch and help to support this organisation.

Prayers for John

Please keep John – our Saturday organist – in your prayers. He can hardly walk, but the good news is he has been given the go ahead for a new knee. There is no date yet for the operation, but he is hoping it will be soon. John hopes to be back with us soon so please remember him in your prayers.

Children’s Society Boxes

If you have an old Children’s Society box please collect your new Caritas box from the table in the porch. You just need to put it together but the instructions are on the box. Thanks, Elaine Birkett.

Readers and Eucharistic Ministers

The new Rotas will be published after Christmas. If you need your details to be amended can you please contact Beryl preferably by text (0789094250) or leave a note in the music cupboard.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Miss Margaret Cannon


Flowers for the church were donated by Gloria Jones
If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.

Newsletter Download: 374 23rd December 2018 4th Sunday Advent