Saturday 29th September
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Roni Bishop RIP
Sunday 30th September – 26th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE B)
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Edna Butler RIP birthday
Monday 1st October
9:30am – Joyce Davies
Tuesday 2nd October
9:30am – William & Mary Cannon RIP Anniversary
Wednesday 3rd October
Noon – Joyce Davies birthday
Thursday 4th October
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
Friday 5th October – CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY
No service
Saturday 6th October
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Maria Pieta Bada Analdo Malidao Agosto Malidao
Sunday 7th October
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Doreen Thomas RIP
Monday 8th October
7:00pm – Persecuted Christians
If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133 Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.
Dates for your Diary
CAFOD Family Fast Day
Friday 5th October
Please pick up an envelope in the porch.
Coffee Morning
Tuesday 16th October.
Come along and join in the fun – Refreshments, Bingo, Raffle and Bring-and Buy Sale. We would love to see more people supporting these events.
Bingo Night
Friday 23rd November 7pm-11pm.
We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event. And of course your support on the evening itself – always a great evening out.
The Spiritans – Holy Ghost Fathers.
Each October there is an annual Collection for The Missions. This year we will be welcoming a member of the Spiritans who will tell us about the work of his Community.
The Spiritans are a Roman Catholic Religious Congregation founded in 1703. Over 300 years on, over 3,000 professed and lay Spiritans, drawn from all continents, today carry out their mission of evangelization in more than 60 countries throughout the world. The first Spiritan from the United Kingdom to go on mission overseas was Fr. Henry Parkinson. He was sent to Sierra Leone in West Africa, in 1925.
As numbers grew more followed him; others were sent to the missions in Nigeria and Mauritius, while a few went to East Africa, the Caribbean and beyond.
Today, British Spiritans continues to work in many overseas missions, including: . South Africa · Nigeria · USA · EU · Rome. The Spiritan missionary outreach and ministries have been a seed bed of exciting developments in all these parts of the world.
Some of the specific Spiritan mission engagements include:
- Parish/ pastoral work, some in areas of first evangelisation
- Education: teaching, administration and chaplaincy in all levels of educational institutions
- Youth ministry
- Retreat and Spiritual Animation ministry for various groups
- Justice and Peace initiatives
- Community development and poverty alleviation schemes
- Foundation of new religious Congregations by a few of the members.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 1968-2018
50th Birthday Celebration
As you may know, our school is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. In 1968, Mr Alan Isherwood was appointed as the first Headteacher, and our present headteacher is Mrs Gum.
So many amazing years have passed and so many changes have taken place, but there are some fantastic memories of these past years, for both staff and pupils alike!
Over the next few weeks, a number of activities will take place in school in celebration of these 50 years.
One of the projects we have planned, is to produce a ‘Memory Wall.’ I would be really grateful, if you have photos of your time in school (e.g. class photos, school trips, celebrations etc) that you could send them into school or into church, so that we could share them with the children. (I will photocopy them and return the original).
Also, if you have stories about school life, friendships, teachers, please write them down and send them into the school, so they can call be put on the memory wall.
These will be displayed at the ‘Memory Café’ on Friday 26th October. It will be a chance to meet up with past staff and pupils. You are warmly welcomed to this event.
Many thanks. Mrs S Montgomery
Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mr Bernard O’Hare
Flowers for the church were donated by M Rimmer
If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.