Saturday 24th March
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Tracy Simpson RIP
Sunday 25th March
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Nora & Michael McNeil Anniversary RIP
Monday 26th March
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
7:30pm – Scripture Group
Tuesday 27th March
Noon – Requiem Mass – Jack Insley RIP
Wednesday 28th March
Noon – Requiem Mass – Maura Flood RIP
7:00pm – Service of Reconciliation
Thursday 29th March – MAUNDY THURSDAY
7:30pm – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Intention – Dr Michael Hollinrake RIP
Followed by watching till midnight
Friday 30th March – GOOD FRIDAY
Noon – Stations of the Cross for Children
3:00pm – Good Friday Celebration of the Lords Passion
7:00pm – Service of Tenebrae
8:00pm – Hugh Duffy RIP
9.30am – People of the Parish
11.00am – Paul Martin RIP
Monday 2nd April
Noon – William & Mary Cannon anniversary
If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133 Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.
Dates for your Diary
The school would like to invite our parishioners into school for the following events during Holy Week:
Monday 26th March – Stations of the cross 9.30am
Tuesday 27th March – Stay and pray 9am
Wednesday 28th March – Holy Week Story time 2.40pm
Thursday 29th March – Maundy Thursday Service 9.30am.
The school children would also like to invite our parishioners into school for a Royal Tea Party to celebrate the Wedding of HRH Prince Harry to Miss Meghan Markle. If you would like to attend (on Friday 18th May) please add your name(s) to the list in the Porch. Please see the poster in the porch.
Wednesday 28th March at 7pm – SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION
Friday 13th April 7:30pm – Bingo Night
We would be delighted to receive any donations and prizes for the bingo night. Please leave the donations in the sacristy marked “Bingo”. See the poster in the porch window for more information.
Saturday 15th September – Autumn Fair
Following the successful 40th Anniversary celebrations last year we will be having another Parish Fair on September 15th. More news to follow – and there will be a clipboard in the porch where you can volunteer to help run a Stall.
26th September for five days – PARISH HOLIDAY
We will be going to Scarborough. Cost will be £209 per person – which includes Transport, Dinner Bed and Breakfast and also 3 Trips (to the Yorkshire Moors, Whitby and York).
Please sign up by adding your name(s) to the list in the Porch.
Offertory Envelopes
The new Boxes of Envelopes are available today. Can you please pick up your Box. If you would like to join the Envelope Scheme please see George or one of the helpers – there are spare Boxes available. Also available are Standing Order forms if you would like to give in this way. If you are a Tax Payer and would like to join the Gift Aid Scheme please take a Gift Aid form.
Family Fun Day & Coffee Morning
Grateful thanks to those who helped organise and attend these events. The Easter Egg Tombola and the Coffee Morning both raised £135 each.
Easter Flowers
If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of flowers for the Easter Weekend there is a box in the inside porch where you can place it.
We would like to recruit more Readers for the 9:30am Sunday morning Mass. If you are interested in becoming a Reader please speak to Fr. Simon.
Collection for Holy Places
On Good Friday all churches are asked to take a collection to help support Christians in the Holy Land.
Memorial Plaques
As you will know, there are plaques on the back of the chairs in church to remember friends and relatives who have died.
As the chairs are now all taken up – we have obtained a Memorial Board which will erected in the church. If you would like to have a plaque placed on the board please can you write the name of the deceased person/people on a note, put it an envelope marked “Memorial” and hand it to either Fr Simon or Derek. We would ask for a donation of £5 towards the cost of having the plaque engraved.
Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Claire Bennett
Please continue to bring in your unwanted spectacles
Newsletter Download: 335 25h March 2018 Passion Palm Sunday