Saturday 22nd October
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 23rd October – 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE C)
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)

Monday 24th October
No Mass

Tuesday 25th October
6:00pm – Celebration Mass for the Nuns In Winsford & shared table afterwards

Wednesday 26th October
10:00am – Mass

Thursday 27th October
10:00am – Mass

Friday 28th October
No Mass

Saturday 29th October
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 30th October
10:00am – Sermon 2022-10-30

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Pensioners Christmas Meal

Sunday 11th December
Please help in making this a great day by putting your name down for the meal using the list in the church or by contacting Phil. It’s always a good day with lots of conversation, singing and fun! We will need volunteers and there is a separate list in the foyer. Contact Phil on 07720 807162.

St Josephs Coffee event

Wednesday 23rd November, 2pm to 3pm
St Joseph’s school are having a coffee morning for parishioners on 23rd November between 2pm to 3pm in the school hall. Please see the poster in the church for more information.

Funeral arrangements for Father Michael Cupit

Fr. Michael’s mortal remains will be received into Saint Vincent’s, Altrincham on Thursday 27th October with a Vigil Mass at 7.00pm.
The Requiem Mass will be offered on Friday 28th October at 11.30am, followed by interment at Dunham Lawn Cemetery, Altrincham.


Do you – like me – find carrying round small coins a waste of time? The Prisoner Outreach Organisation is a Christian network of volunteers who have been voluntarily working in HM Prisons and supplies copies of the BIBLE ALIVE booklets to prisoners.
Drop your loose change into the bottle on the table in the porch and help to support this good cause.

Caritas – Children’s Society

If anyone from the parish has any collections for Caritas – Children’s Society can they please send the monies direct to Caritas, or alternatively if they wish to set up a Standing order to carry on supporting us, one can be completed and forwarded to Caritas at their Head Office in Wallasey.

CARITAS-FINANCE-Bankers Standing Order-C1808


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs Barbara Carney

Newsletter Download: 574 23rd October 2022 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time