Saturday  19th October 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Mrs Kath Harrison RIP

Sunday 20th October – 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE C)
World Mission Sunday
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Victoria Lorento RIP 1st Anniversary

Monday 21st October 
9:30am – Norah Isherwood intentions

Tuesday 22nd October 
9:30am – Rose Lockett
10:30am – Funeral service – Mary Hickson RIP

Wednesday 23rd October
Noon – Mrs Annie O’Toole RIP

Thursday 24th October 
9:30am – Cecilia Kennedy RIP (1.10.19 Anniversary)

Friday 25th October 
No service

Saturday  26th October 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Alan Jones Private Intention

Sunday 27th October 
9:30am – Eddie Hall RIP
11:00am – People of the Parish

Monday 28th October 
9:30am – Private Intention

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133.  Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Blackpool Trip

Saturday 26th October 10:15am
The coach to Blackpool will leave St Joseph’s at 10:30am prompt. Please be there at 10:15am at the latest to board the coach. Any outstanding money please bring in ASAP.

Coffee Morning

Tuesday 29th October 10:30am.
You will be made very welcome.

Bingo Night

Friday 29th November 7pm
The bingo starts at 7:30pm. We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event.  And of course your support on the evening itself – always a great evening out. Tickets are on sale after Mass.

Coffee morning

Thanks to the generosity of those who support our coffee mornings we have been able to donate to various causes and buy things for our church. We have just had the electric rewiring done and nice new lights for the porch at a cost of £900. So a big thank you to you all.

If you would like to come to our coffee mornings for a chat, laugh, cuppa or even a bargain in our bring and buy sale or for a game of bingo you will be made very welcome. The next Coffee Morning is on Tuesday 29th October at 10:30am.

Thank You

Mary Hall and her family would like to thank you all for your messages of sympathy and prayers, and for everyone who attended Eddie’s funeral Mass.

On a lighter note

Q. Why did Noah have to discipline the chickens on the Ark?
A. Because they were using “fowl” language.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Miss Margaret Cannon


If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.


Newsletter Download: 417 20th October 2019 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time