Saturday 18th February
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 19th February – 7th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A)
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)

Monday 20th February
10:00am – Mass

Tuesday 21st February – Shrove Tuesday
10:00am – Mass

Wednesday 22nd February – Ash Wednesday
10:00am – Mass
Noon – Requiem Mass: Edna Ravenscroft RIP

Thursday 23rd February
10:00am – Mass

Friday 24th February
No Mass

Saturday 25th February
5:15pm – Mass

Sunday 26th February
10:00am – Mass (Livestreamed)

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Funeral Mass for Edna Ravenscroft

Wednesday 22nd February at noon.

Coffee morning

Tuesday 14th March at 10:30am
Everyone is welcome.

Job Vacancy

St Monicas Catholic Primary School in Warrington have a vacancy for an Administrative Assistant. Please see the poster for more information. The closing date for applications is 27th February.

Earthquake appeal

We will all have been appalled by the destruction and loss of life in the recent Earthquake. As announced last weekend, we want to help as much as we can to alleviate the suffering that the people there are going through.

People have been left without shelter in freezing winter conditions, with humanitarian needs expected to grow in the coming days. Access to clean water will likely be a challenge, bringing the risk of cholera and other diseases. DEC charities and their local partners are among the first responders, working with locally-led relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. Immediate priorities are search and rescue, medical treatment for the injured, shelter for those who have lost their homes, heaters for spaces and winter kits with blankets, and warm clothes, and ensuring people have food and clean water.

So, to help, whatever you give in this week’s Offertory Collection will be sent to the DEC (Disasters EmergencyCommittee). In addition, we will match your donations from Parish Funds.
If you haven’t brought anything this weekend and wish to make a donation, you can put in an envelope marked “Earthquake Appeal” and hand it in next weekend. Please make any cheques payable “to St. Josephs”.

Coffee morning

The Coffee Morning on Tuesday raised £147 for church funds. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise the coffee morning and thanks to everyone who supported the event.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mr Patrick Cahill

Newsletter Download: 591 19th February 2023 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time