Saturday  15th June 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Ken Hulse RIP

Sunday 16th June – THE HOLY TRINITY (CYCLE C)
9:30am – Private Intention
11:00am – People of the Parish

Monday 17th June 
9:30am – Margaret Cannon & Marie Noad intentions

Tuesday 18th June 
9:30am – Claire Fitzpatrick RIP

Wednesday 19th June
Noon – Thomas & Elizabeth Wyatt RIP

Thursday 20th June 
9:30am – Norma Smallwood RIP

Friday 21st June 
No service

Saturday  22nd June 
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – People of the Parish

Sunday 23rd June 
9:30am – Treasa Ni Miollain & Brother Aran Islands Galway
11:00am – Father Jim McGrath diamond jubilee

Monday 24th June 
9;30am – Keith Crowley RIP

If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133  Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.

Dates for your Diary

Now Is The Time

Wednesday 26th June 
Mass Lobby of Parliament and Climate Pilgrimage : Climate change affects our health, our homes and our beautiful landscapes and things are getting urgent now. It’s time to tell our leaders that enough is enough. This is not the legacy that we want to leave for our grandchildren; this is not the future we want. On Wednesday 26 June Cafod supporters will come together with over 100 like-minded organisations – members of The Climate Coalition – to speak to our politicians and make our voices heard. We’ll be gathering at Westminster to connect the poor to the powerful by sharing our concerns on climate change and the environment with leaders who can make a difference. Politicians will only increase their ambition if they see that we care. They will act if their constituents tell them that they want change. Join the  Pilgrimage by booking via the Cafod website onto one of the coaches that are departing from various locations across England and Wales including Knutsford.

St Joseph’s Parish Fair

Saturday 29th June at 12:30pm
We will be having another Parish Fair & Car Boot Sale on Saturday 29th June, the event starts at 12:30pm.  We are looking for more volunteers to help during the day. We also need donations of books, DVDs,CDs. bric-a-brac for a car boot stall we are running as well as bottles for the bottle stall. Please come along and have fun and support the parish.

St Nicholas High School Open Evening

Tuesday 2nd July from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Particularly for Year 5 students but everyone is welcome to come along.

Coffee morning

Tuesday 9th July at 10:30am
Our Coffee Morning on Tuesday raised the sum of £140 (despite the poor weather).  Thanks to everyone who organised the coffee morning and to those who came to support it.

St Nicholas River Run

Saturday 21st September 2019
St Nicholas’ invites as many runners as possible, young and not so young, beginners and  those who already have the running bug, to take part in our first ever ‘St Nicholas River Run’. The events include a 10km trail run – a chip timed event, 5km trail run – a chip timed event and 2km family fun run with fun run medal  There will be a bespoke blue bridge medal for finishers of the timed events. Experienced or not, get your trainers on and give it a go! See bookings website to secure your place:

Come work for the Lord.

The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low.  But the retirement benefits are out of this world. 😊


This year, Confirmation will take place in mid-November. If you are in Year 8 or above and would like to be Confirmed there will be an introductory/information meeting in Church at 6.00pm on Monday 24th June for parents and children.


In the past week the mid-Cheshire Foodbank has fed 69 people, including 29 children. Thank-you to everybody who donates, to help more people we urgently need the following – Pasta sauce, Sponge pudding Tinned tomatoes.


If you have any Euros or Dollars left over from your holidays please put them into the Bottle in the Porch. But please – only Euros & Dollars!

Prisoner Outreach

Please continue to bring in your loose change and leave the money in the bottle on the bookshelves in the porch and help to support this organisation. Please only use sterling for this jar!
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the WINGS & Prisoner Outreach programme.


Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mr & Mrs J Kealey


If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.

Newsletter Download: 399 16th June 2019 Trinity Sunday