Saturday  10th  June
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Joseph Mathew RIP

Sunday  11th  June – TRINITY SUNDAY (CYCLE A)
9;30am – Gordon Noad RIP  (Birthday)
11:00am – People of the Parish

Monday 12th  June
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
6:00pm – RCIA Meeting

Tuesday 13th  June
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
1:30pm – CRAFT GROUP

Wednesday  14th  June
No Service

Thursday 15th  June
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion

Friday  16th  June
No Service

Saturday  17th  June
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – John Payne

Sunday  18th  June
9;30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Special Intention Rimmer family

Monday 19th  June
7:30pm – Scripture Group

Please note- Mass times are subject to change and, whilst every effort will be made, intention dates cannot be guaranteed. We do currently have a large backlog of Intentions, rest assured your requested Masses will be said as soon as possible.

Dates for your Diary

Monday 12th June 6.00pm – RCIA PROGRAMME

The first meeting will be in the parish centre (enter via church). Could participants please bring a notebook and Bible. More details will be given on the night. If you have any questions please see Fr Simon.

Tuesday 13th June 1:30pm – CRAFT GROUP

Come along for a chat and to share your talents.

Tuesday 20th June at 10:30am – COFFEE MORNING

Come along and enjoy Bingo, Raffle and Bring and Buy Stall.

Friday July 7th 7.30pm – Prize Bingo

Tea & coffee available – Raffle. £1 Admission . We would appreciate Prizes for the Bingo and Raffle – please leave them in the sacristy.

Sunday 9th July after the 11am Mass – PARISH AGM

Please come along and hear about what has been happening in the parish over the last year. It is also an opportunity for you to tell us what you would like to see happening in your parish.

Manchester 10K

Tony Montgomery wishes to thank those who supported him – he completed this year’s Manchester 10K to raise money for St. Luke’s Hospice. If you have not already handed in your sponsorship money – or if you would like to support Tony’s efforts to support St Lukes – please place your money in an envelope marked “10K” adding your name and place it into the Offertory Bags. There are envelopes available in the outside porch.

Church Cleaning

Our small team of ladies would appreciate some help with the weekly church cleaning. Men and Women who could spare a couple of hours on a Thursday morning(after the Mass/Service) would be more than welcome. Just come along and give a hand.

40th Anniversary Celebration

Helpers are needed to run the various Stalls. There is a list of stalls in the porch. Please add your names to say how you can help.
We will also need helpers to set upon the Friday and Saturday and to clear up afterwards – please also add your names if you can help.

200 Club Draw

Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mrs P Rolfe

Flowers for the Church

Flowers for the church have recently been donated by Mrs M Rimmer and Mrs B Flannigan.
If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.

Newsletter Download: 294. 11h June 2017 Trinity Sunday