Saturday 2nd November – All Souls Day
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Jimmy O’Mara RIP
Sunday 3rd November – 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE C)
9:30am – Marie Laffey RIP
11:00am – People of the Parish
Monday 4th November
9:30am – Service of Word and Communion
Tuesday 5th November
No service
Wednesday 6th November
No service
Thursday 7th November
9:15am – School Harvest Festival Mass
10:00am – Funeral Service – Margaret Kearney RIP
7:00pm – Mass for Confirmation candidates – celebrated by Bishop Mark.
Friday 8th November
9:30am – Marie Todd sick
Saturday 9th November
4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15pm – Armindo Alves
Sunday 10th November
9:30am – People of the Parish
11:00am – Marriage Blessing Katie Rimmer, Mathew Stott 26.10.19
Monday 11th November
9:30am – World War deceased
If Fr Simon is unobtainable and you urgently need a Priest please phone the parish mobile: 07548 222133. Please use this number for emergencies only i.e. where a priest is needed urgently.
Dates for your Diary
Confirmation night
Thursday 7th November 7.00pm
For the members of St Joseph’s and St Mary’s, Middlewich.
AA open night
Wednesday 20th November 7:30pm
There are 2 speakers booked for the evening. The meeting is open to anyone who has an interest in hearing how AA works.
Christmas Coffee Morning
Tuesday 26th November 10:30am
Everyone is welcome.
Bingo Night
Friday 29th November, doors open at 7pm
The bingo starts at 7:30pm. We would be grateful for donations of Prizes for this event. And of course your support on the evening itself – always a great evening out.
Advent Lunch and Celebration at St Nicholas Catholic High School
Tuesday 10th December 1.30pm to 3.30pm
St Nicholas High School would like to invite members of local parishes to join us. The afternoon will include refreshments and entertainment. We may be able to provide some transport if needed. In the first instance we can offer twelve spaces per church community. Please sign the list at the back of church to give an idea of the uptake It would be lovely to have a real community gathering here at St Nicholas especially at this time of the year. Tickets and further details shortly.
Coffee morning
Our Coffee Morning on Tuesday raised the sum of £145. Thank you to everyone who organised the coffee morning and to those who came to support it.
With some of the money raised from the coffee mornings the Parish has bought Advent wreaths and candles at a cost of £80. A few weeks ago, £900 was spent for the new lights and rewiring in the porch.
Winner: £40 Prize this week – Mr George Snape
If you would like to make a donation for the flowers please add your name to the list in the porch and place your donation into the wall box.