MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 11th February 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle RIP Sunday 12th February – 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Peggy Wright RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 13th February 9:30am Mass – Carol Whittaker Tuesday 14th February 9:20am – Mass –Read More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 4th February 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Isobel & Stan Lyle RIP Sunday 5th February – 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9:30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Jim, Elizabeth, Martin, Una & Michael (Anniversaries) Monday 6th February 7:00pm – Mass – Sheila Body RIPRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 28th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Kathleen Harrison RIP Sunday 29th January – 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Joe and Joyce Davies Monday 30th January 9:30am Mass – Sheila Body RIP Anniversary Tuesday 31st January 9:30am MassRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 21st January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Family of Nancy Macey Sunday 22nd January – 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – The Grue Family Monday 23rd January 10:00am – Requiem Mass – George Mannix 7:30pm – Scripture Group Tuesday 24th JanuaryRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 14th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Hilda & Albert Clarkson RIP Sunday 15th January – 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) 9;30am – Hilda Johnstone RIP 11:00am – People of the Parish Monday 16th January 9;30am – Service of Word and Communion Tuesday 17th January 9;30am – ServiceRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 7th January 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Brenda & Gordon Lyle Sunday 8th January – THE EPIPHANY (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Bridget Walsh (Birthday Anniversary) Monday 9th January 9;30qm – Mass – Vincent Cannon RIP 7:30pm – Scripture Group starts Tuesday 10th January 10:00amRead More →

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Saturday 31st December 4:45pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:15pm – Isobel & Stan Lyle RIP Sunday 1st January – MARY MOTHER OF GOD (CYCLE A) 9;30am – People of the Parish 11:00am – Mike Walsh RIP Monday 2nd January 10:00am – Mass – Gordon Noad RIP Tuesday 3rd January 9:30am –Read More →